Author: LaTangellia Walker

R&B Singer Donell Jones Survives Crash after Falling Asleep While Driving

By Tan Walker | UAB Community Health & Human Services Intern

R&B singer, Donell Jones, considers himself a lucky man after he fell asleep behind the wheel of his Mercedes Benz and crashed into a ditch. The shocking incident took place on January 9th of 2023. 

Fortunately, the 49 year old did not suffer any major injuries, but he stated that this scary experience “taught him a valuable lesson” about driving while tired. Jones made an Instagram post that reads: “I fell asleep while driving yesterday and ended up in a ditch. I walk away with no injuries but I learned a valuable lesson, that if you’re tired just park the car cause this could’ve been bad.”

He also added that he was truly protected and continuously thanks God for wrapping his arms around him during the crash. He states “My love and loyalty is to you.”

Along with this gracious caption, Donell Jones shared a series of photos showing the aftermath of the accident. His silver Mercedes Benz was barricaded in a ditch by the side of the road.

Driving while tired or sleepy is just as dangerous as drunk driving. It decreases your attentiveness and alertness while on the road, it slows down your reaction time, and it affects your ability to make good decisions. In 2017, drowsy driving was involved in 91,000 crashes, resulting in 50,000 injuries and nearly 800 deaths (CDC, 2023). 

Warning signs of drowsy driving include: 

  • Yawning or blinking frequently.
  • Trouble remembering the past few miles driven.
  • Missing your exit.
  • Drifting from your lane.
  • Hitting a rumble strip on the side of the road.

Have you experienced negative impacts of driving while tired? Share with us in the comments or on social media. Likewise, share any positive or healthy tips that you do to drive responsibly. Remember to always get enough sleep before taking the wheel, and drive alert to stay unhurt!


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, November 21). Drowsy driving: Asleep at the wheel. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from

Youngest Black Mayor in U.S.: Jaylen Smith becomes LEGEND

By Tan Walker | Community Health & Human Services Intern

A recent high school graduate, 18-year-old Jaylen Smith, has left his mark on the U.S. by becoming the youngest elected black mayor after defeating his opponent, Nemo Mathews Sr. in a runoff election. The teenager received 218 votes while Mathews only received 139 votes (MSN, 2022) .

 Smith is a native Earle, Arkansas, with big plans for his small town. Earle has approximately 2,000 residents (MSN, 2022). After his victory, he expressed his gratitude to his supporters by sharing a Facebook post that reads: “It’s Time to Build a Better Chapter of Earle, Arkansas, I would like to thank all my supporters for stepping up getting people to the polls. I am truly grateful for you all.” Mathews, his opponent, also congratulated him on Facebook and wished him well. 

Jaylen Smith told FOX13 about a few of his plans following the election. These plans involve improving public safety, tearing down abandoned houses, having effective transportation for the community, and bringing in a grocery store for the small town.

We would like to congratulate Smith for his outstanding accomplishments, and for being a young role model for the youth. Great job, Jaylen! 


Sylvester, T. (2022, December 8). 18-year-old student, Jaylen Smith becomes youngest black mayor in United States. Kanyi Daily News. Retrieved January 9, 2023, from

18-year-old Jaylen Smith becomes youngest black mayor in U.S. MSN. (n.d.). Retrieved January 9, 2023, from

5 Healthy Tips to Prevent Diabetes

By Terrie Johnson | Community Health & Human Services Intern

Everyone desires the delicacies of life. Eating unlimited sweets, salt, and fatty foods and lounging around without consequences seems to be the American dream! However, in reality, the lack of physical activity and healthy foods intake hardly worth the effort. That desire will slowly deteriorate once people begin to understand that the unhealthy habits they love the most, don’t really love them back.

Major components such as fat, salt, and sugar can lead to health complications. The most common health complications are diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Diabetes, specifically Type 2, is a rapidly growing global health issue. The augmented prevalence of diabetes mellitus vis-à-vis the increased obesity incidence mirrors the greater interconnectedness between diabetes and weight gain. Emphatically, obesity is associated with increased susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases (Halali et al., 2022). In 2014, more than 422 million people globally tested positive for diabetes (Halali et al., 2022). Untreated diabetes can potentially cause severe harm to an individual’s health, including the risk of kidney failure, heart attack, lower limb amputation, or death at advanced stages.

 Although these are some of the most common complications, they are highly preventable. Diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure can be treated through simple lifestyle modifications that discourage sedentariness. Understanding that these health issues are manageable through simple routine adjustments is very powerful. Implementing physical activity, healthy eating habits and behavioral change can help reduce the risk of diabetes and other health issues, ultimately guaranteeing long-term positive health outcomes for everyone.

Here are more quick tips to help prevent diabetes:

  • Stock up on healthy foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are high i. Try to minimize processed foods high in sugar, salt, and fat.
  • Minimize consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (sodas, juice, etc.) and increase your water intake.
  • Engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.
  • Lose extra weight. Losing weight reduces the risk for diabetes
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can contribute to insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.


Halali, F., Lapveteläinen, A., Aittola, K., Männikkö, R., Tilles-Tirkkonen, T., Järvelä-Reijonen, E., … & Karhunen, L. (2022). Associations between weight loss history and factors related to type 2 diabetes risk in the Stop Diabetes study. International Journal of Obesity, 46(5), 935-942.

Best Remedies for Leg Cramps

By Terrie Johnson | Community Health & Human Services Intern

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Anyone who has experienced leg cramps can attest that it is not the most pleasant experience. Leg cramps occur when muscles involuntarily contract, and usually last for a short period of time. The most common area for these to occur is in the calf muscles, but the feeling can also occur in your feet. Leg cramps are caused by overusing or straining muscles (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2021). This can be a result of excess running, walking, weightlifting, prolonged standing, or strenuous exercises. Dehydration and aging can also cause leg cramps due to insufficient electrolytes in the body and decreased muscle mass. Dehydration reduces components such as Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium, which are vital minerals for muscle function.

Although most cases of leg cramps don’t indicate a worrisome underlying condition, people who are 65 years and older are at greater risk for them. Cramps may be related to alcoholism, hypothyroidism, or diabetes (Carey, 2019). You should see a doctor if the frequency of your cramps worsens. Meanwhile, there are many remedies you can try to help reduce leg cramps:

Stretching- Relax the cramping muscle. Stop any activity that may have induced the cramp and lightly stretch the muscle, gently holding the stretch.

Magnesium- try adding more magnesium to your diet. Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of magnesium.

Heat- Try applying this old-school remedy to a wet cloth and pressing it onto a cramped muscle, use a heating pad, or add some Epsom salt to hot bath for a soak.

Hydration- Staying hydrated may take a little linger to ease your pain, but once you’ve had enough water or a sports drink with electrolytes, you could prevent another cramp.

Moving- Walking around can also help ease leg cramps by sending signals to the muscle that it needs to relax after it contracts.


Carey, E. (2019, March 8). How to stop leg cramps: Treatment and remedies for relief. Healthline. Retrieved January 3, 2023, from

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2021). Muscle Cramp. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved on 17 December 2022, from

The Key to Effective Parenting:  It Takes a Village

By Shon Mack | UAB Community Health & Human Services Intern

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

I’m sure there are parents out there (like me) who have concerns about being a good parent.  We as parents put way too much pressure on ourselves when it comes to raising our kids. It’s tough enough carrying our babies for 9 months, introducing them to the world, and guiding them until they are old enough to spread their wings on their own. 

Surprisingly, our primary concern is encouraging emotional development and making sure that we instill love, validation, protection, a sense of self-worth, and positivity into them. Let’s be honest, it’s kind of challenging to do so when we already have the weight of the world on our shoulders. It is also common for parents to lose sight of who they are as individuals. Constantly working to make ends meet, worrying about when our next bills are due, or even completely giving up on our dreams just to give our offspring the life we never had can negatively affect our mental health. 

“It takes a village to raise children” is a popular expression that originates from an African proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people to provide safe, healthy environments for children, where children are given the security they need to develop and flourish (Reupert et al., 2022). This requires an environment where multiple people including siblings, extended family and friends, neighbors, teachers, etc. care for a child, and we as parents need all of the help we can get. We also need to realize that asking for help is okay. It doesn’t t make you weak, in fact, it exudes strength.

Despite many parenting hardships, sitting and watching our children grow into beautiful young adults is very rewarding. It is a major accomplishment and every parent deserves a huge pat on the back! We must keep loving and nurturing our kids and reminding ourselves that the village is the notion that caring for children is a shared responsibility amongst many (Reupert et al., 2022).

Reupert, A., Straussner, S. L., Weimand, B., & Maybery, D. (2022, February 11). It takes a village to raise a child: Understanding and expanding the concept of the “village”. Frontiers. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from,be%20able%20to%20realize%20their%20hopes%20and%20dreams.

How to Overcome Microaggressions as an African American Woman

By Shon Mack | UAB Community Health and Human Services Intern

Being a woman in society is tough but being a black woman in society is even tougher. But why? African American women probably experience the most microaggressions than any other demographic. Microaggressions are comments or actions that unintentionally express a prejudiced attitude towards members of racial minorities. Unfortunately, it happens so often that dealing with them almost seems like an impossible task and trying to ignore constant slick comments and insults can be exhausting.

The most common place for microaggressions against African American women to occur is the workplace. Black women are most likely to face occupational segregation and typically earn 39% less than White men in the U.S. compared to White women (19%) (Barratt, 2022). It is easy for African American women to become overwhelmed, which can cause them to experience lack of motivation and energy when trying to complete different tasks. It is also common for black women to be mistaken as the aggressor under a variety of circumstances. The most common microaggressions that black women experience include:

  • Assuming that all Black women have had the same life experiences
  • Tone policing based on racial stereotypes
  • Judging their appearance
  • Opportunity shaming

The way that we react to these types of conflicts is oftentimes described as loud, unprofessional, and even “ghetto”. Describing African American women in this manner is often utilized to coerce us into becoming more submissive in today’s society. In their eyes, black women should be invisible.

However, Black women are strong, powerful individuals. The most resilient of them all. Our identity and culture define who we are, and we shouldn’t have to feel they’re being mocked or made fun of for entertainment. The key to handling microaggressions is to respond as though someone is asking what you had for dinner last night. Explain your point of view first, and then ask them for theirs. This will create room for positive conversations where both parties learn something new in the process. 

If someone comes up to you and says, “Oh my, you changed your hair again. How long did it take?” You reply, “Oh, just 4 hours, what about you?” and then ask them about their hair care routine. Let the conversation flow.

It isn’t our responsibility as Black women to speak for all women of color, however, we can all share our own experiences and encourage symmetry among all.


Barratt, B. (2022, October 12). The microaggressions towards black women you might be complicit in at work. Forbes. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from 

Jones, N. Dr. LPCC (2021)Working While Black- 9 Signs of Microaggressions in the Workplace Against African American Women. 

4 Tips for Romantic Modern Day Relationships

By Shon Mack | UAB Community Health and Human Services Intern

I’m sure everyone has heard of the typical fairytale ending for relationships… know, boy meets girl, they fall in love, and live happily ever after. Sound familiar? If you’re like me, I used to that this was the ultimate accomplishment, but in reality, it doesn’t always end this way. In fact, I find it hard to believe that anything remotely close to that can occur in this day and age. Speaking from experience as an African American woman who’s been in quite a few relationships, it is common for both men and women to miscommunicate their true intentions at the start of a relationship. This can result in a major turmoil, confusion, and resentment between both parties.

But why has this become the norm? Why has it become easy for couples to split instead of staying together and working it out? Why is it so easy for me to see a future without husband? After all, I am an attractive woman, with a great job, a good head on my shoulders, with a solid spiritual foundation. So what is the problem? A few common reasons why couples are splitting in modern society involve them growing apart, constant arguments, unfaithfulness, lack of respect, different interests, money problems, domestic violence, drinking/drugs/gambling, etc.(Sussex Publishers, 2022).

In some cases, it feels like when we point a finger, there are three pointing back at us. This challenges me to think that maybe we should look more deeply into ourselves to identify any problems that could potentially sabotage future relationships. But, personally, it doesn’t make sense… I’m 45 years old, and I feel that should have some type of introspection over my life, right? I think so. I believe that I have done my dirt and I need to make amends, but sometimes taking ownership is so hard. So what advice could I give to myself and others struggling to maintain healthy and loving relationships?

• Respect and Honesty goes a long way. Make sure that you are always honest about your true intentions before entering a relationship.

• Let go of your pride and ego. No one is perfect. Be open to learning from each other’s mistakes.

• Practice effective communication. Learn the difference between “hearing” your partner and “listening” to your partner, and be mindful of how your response can make your partner feel.

• Forgive. Always be open to forgive your partner, not just for them, but for yourself as well. 

Now that I’m older and wiser, I understand the importance of these things. As I stated before, no one is perfect (including me), but with these 4 tips, relationships are destined to thrive in today’s modern society.

Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). The top 12 reasons why couples break up. Psychology Today. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from

What is Self-Care? Why is it Important?

Ny Shon Mack | UAB Community Health and Human Services Intern

Photo by u0410u043bu0435u043au043au0435 u0411u043bu0430u0436u0438u043d on

Self-care, also known as self-awareness, is a lifelong habit and culture, and is one of those things that is easier said than done. Although it is highly recommended, not many people practice it or even know what it is. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider (Self-care interventions for health, 2022). It simply means recognizing the current relationship we have with ourselves, prioritizing it, and working towards better self-treatment. Placing yourself as a priority is equivalent to telling yourself that you matter and that your needs are valid.

There are three types of self care: 

Physical Self Care- focuses on taking care of your physical health and wellbeing

Mental & Emotional Self Care- puts your mind and feelings first

Spiritual Self Care- Centers faith (whatever you believe in)

The benefits of practicing self-care are simple. You may experience lower cortisol levels, happier relationships, improved immune response, better sleep, increased self esteem, decreased depression and anxiety, and more.

Examples of self-care may include taking care of your personal hygiene, eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, making time for social activities and paying close attention to how you may think or feel. Believe it or not, practicing self-care is one of the most important ways to boost and maintain both emotional and physical aspects of our health.

It can sometimes be hard for us to maintain all of these tasks from day to day. Self-care efforts are often neglected due to lack of time, which, in turn, negatively impacts our lives and the lives of those around us. I recently took a weekend trip to Destin, Florida for a little stress relief. During my stay, I was able to relax and reflect on myself and my needs. I then realized that self-care should never be a chore, but something you learn to enjoy with time. 

MBA, W. by: S. S., & PharmD, R. by: D. W. (n.d.). Self-care: Definition, benefits, & ideas to try. Choosing Therapy. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from 

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Self-care interventions for health. World Health Organization. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from

Yanulevich, T., College, U., Reese, J., Albuquerque, D., Moyer, C., Mayer, C., Williams, B., Burns, M., Keleman, M., Barrett, M., Caramico, L., Shellabarger, R. A., Crockett, K., Stephenson, J., Ankney, T., Larsen, K., & Sybert, C. (2019, October 16). 5 reasons why self care is important for your health. The Odyssey Online. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from 

The Art of Being Care-Free

By Tan Walker | UAB Community Health & Human Services Intern

Photo by KoolShooters on

Wherever you invest your time, there lies your heart (The art of not caring, 2017). In other words, the things that matter the most to you are the things you are most present for. Everyone is entitled to have their own agendas but establishing what is most important in our lives should be a priority. The things in our lives that don’t matter as much, we can just go with the flow to see what happens.

Unfortunately, I’ve realized that I am the complete opposite of the term “care-free”. I’m easily agitated and frustrated, and I have a tendency to stress over things that are completely out of my control. Now that I have recognized this flaw of mind, I am able to handle myself a little better whenever I face things that challenge me. The ultimate solution to handling situations like this is mastering “the art of being care-free”.

Being care-free is learning how to pick and choose your battles. At some point in life, we will all have things that challenge us, irritate us, or get us worked up. However, we are entirely responsible for our own emotions and actions. Failure happens. Heartbreak happens. Life happens. We get to decide whether we want to let one situation ruin our entire day, or if we want to learn from it and move on.

Learning to stay focused on things that really matter, and spend less time on things that don’t is a valuable lesson we all should learn from. From the time we wake up in the morning, to the time we go to sleep at night, we will always be faced with making decisions that could affect our lives. It is up to us to decide whether those things will affect us in a positive or negative way. The next time you become flustered and agitated with something, remember “the art of being care-free”.

The art of not caring. (2017, December 31). Retrieved December 1, 2022, from,in%20control%20of%20your%20own%20actions%20and%20emotions.

Weathering the Storm, Al B. Sure is Grateful for His Second Chance at Life

Tan Walker | UAB Community Health & Human Services

You may know the artist, Al B. Sure from his hits “Nite & Day”, “Off On Your Own Girl”, or as one of the collaborators in the song “U Will Know” by Black Men United. Today, Al B. is a 54-year-old award winning R&B singer who recently awoke from a 2-month coma. He explained to his fans that he lost feeling in the left side of his body while sitting in front of a computer screen and then fell over. However, he was able to call for help since his phone was in reach at the time of the incident. He then expressed that he encountered multiple surgeries, blood transfusions, and an organ transplant during his hospital stay. He also had pneumonia, became septic, and had his lymph nodes removed (Daniels, 2022). Despite all of the health challenges that he went through, he is extremely thankful to be “alive, alert, and gradually healing.” He also says that is “maintaining a positive mindset throughout this healing process” (Daniels, 2022).

Al B. has overcome many obstacles in his life in such a short time, yet he still remains positive through the storm. It can sometimes be hard for people to become bigger than their circumstances and exercise the strength, courage, and faith to make it through the challenging times. This is what is meant by being resilient.

Photo by Ann H on

Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands (APA, 2022). Part of being resilient is remaining positive and optimistic when experiencing challenges.

Here are a few tips to stay positive during hard times:

  • Acknowledge all of the good things in your life
  • Look at your situation from a different perspective
  • Focus on the things you can control
  • Spend time with positive people
  • Ask for help when you need it

No matter how hard a situation may be, it is important to stay positive and not let your circumstances define you!


American Psychological Association. (2022). APA Dictionary of Psychology (2nd ed.). Retrieved November 18, 2022,

Daniels, K. F. (2022, November 5). R&B singer Al B. sure! shares health update after 2-month coma and organ transplant. Al B. Sure! shares health update about 2-month coma ordeal. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from 

Kirsten Parker, M. F. A. (2021, November 16). 10 ways to keep positive during Hard Times. wikiHow. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from,…%208%20Practice%20breathing%20meditation.%20…%20More%20items